Government response which includes view on EAPs

Really encouraging that the government is supporting counselling in the workplace and not taxing employers for providing this valuable service.

BACP have said “The Government yesterday published its response to Dame Carol Black and David Frost CBE’s Health at work – an independent review of sickness absence, setting out its plan to minimise sickness absence and help employees as they return to work.

We welcome the Government’s ministerial statement, which retains existing tax relief on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs). However, as organisations seek to cut costs, EAPs and counselling services are often targeted, when the prudent solution would be to increase investment in such services. Workplace counselling services have been proved to offer a positive cost benefit to employers, help reduce sickness absence and impact positively on employee wellbeing, collectively generating a more productive workforce.”

Full response can be downloaded from DWP’s website:

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